As we continue to prepare the launch our Family Ministry Night, our August e-bulletins focus upon what this means for children, youth, and adults. As always, if any questions remain, do not hesitate to connect with our staff for information and clarification. We believe these changes will enhance ministry to our families in both church and home, but we appreciate you likely have lots of questions. We continue to thank you for your feedback, and patience, as we take on these new initiatives. I also wish to announce that we have an information meeting regarding Family Ministry Night following the 11:00am service on Sunday, September 5. We will live stream the meeting and record it so that you can view it at your convenience if you are not able to be there in person. This is not just for young parents; I encourage the whole church to take in the meeting so that you know how you may serve or be served, pray, give, or support.

As for Adult Ministry at CBC Ilderton, much will be as it has been previously for our Life Groups, Women’s Ministry, and Men’s Ministry. The women’s and men’s ministries will continue to meet on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings respectively for their bible studies, and our existing Life Groups on the days on which they currently meet. What is new for our adults will be additional Life Groups that meet at the church on Wednesday evenings, and some new opportunities for adults to serve. In the past some parents have expressed a willingness to participate in Life Group ministry but struggle to because of child care needs or an unwillingness to be apart from family for another evening commitment. A Wednesday evening Life Group at church gives an opportunity for parents with young children to attend a small group while their children are cared for in age-based programs all under one roof.

Moreover, our enhanced Wednesday evening program gives other adults some new opportunities to serve. We will need nursery workers, children’s ministry teachers and assistants, hall monitors, youth workers, and adult mentors for youth. Our September 5 information meeting will give us an opportunity to outline these opportunities in greater detail, and answer questions you may have.

Much love,

Pastor Gary

Prepare your heart for Sunday by reading the passage and listening to the songs we’ll sing.