As we all try to keep our physical distance from one another and seek to ‘flatten the curve’ in order to slow the spread of sickness, our staff has worked very hard to adjust ministry to serve you. What is ministry going to look like for the next while?

Our website homepage has been redesigned to help you stay connected. Here’s what you will find:

  • Worship
    • Click below for the Sunday morning live stream on Facebook, which will be active at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. The website will have a link to YouTube available at 10:15 a.m. See the green banner on our home page. You do not need a Facebook or YouTube account.
    • Our Prepare page will remain active to give you the songs and Scriptures for Sunday’s live stream.
  • Grow
    • Tuesday-Friday at 3:30 p.m. we will have TableTalk – a live-streamed daily chapel to encourage you. It will be available on Facebook and YouTube and the links will be posted in the green banner on our website here.
    • Over the next two weeks, we aim to resume all Adult Ministry by bringing it into your homes. This will require the use of a video conferencing tool called Zoom. The church is setting this up (more below under prayer). Over the next few days our Life Group leaders and Ministry Leaders will communicate with you regarding our restart dates.
  • Care
    • Kathy Nelham has graciously offered to be a parish nurse to help with education, resourcing, and helping our church. Click here for more details.
    • Our CBC Ilderton Connect Facebook group page is where you can post updates, needs, and requests. Request to join the group to connect with one another, share your needs, prayer requests, and encouragements to one another.
    • Our CBC Ilderton Facebook Page (accessible publicly, no account required) will have continued updates from the church office and is our official communication page to you. “Like” the page to connect and follow what’s going on (If you have a Facebook account).
    • Our CBC InTouch, our weekly eBulletin message will be posted here. We will also send out links to the Sunday livestream at 10:15 a.m.
    • Our staff and elders will contact you by phone through this time. Please email if your contact information has changed.
  • Pray
    • We will continue to pray for you. You’ll find a link here where you can submit your care connection prayer requests.  These requests can be shared confidentially to the staff and elders or you can request that they be shared with the entire congregation and we will email these out Tuesday and Friday.
    • Prayer times will happen using Zoom. You can download it here. We will gather online to pray on Sundays at 11:30-12:30; Wednesday mornings from 8:00-9:00 a.m., and Wednesday evening from 7:00-8:00 p.m. If you need help from someone to run Zoom, please contact Tim Heikoop or Luke Burrow. Links for our prayer times are on the home page of our website under Prayer.
  • Serve
    • To serve and be served by the local church is a precious gift and privilege. We don’t yet know the extent of serving required, but we know we will need to care for those who need to isolate themselves because of illness or vulnerability. Others may have economic needs as social and business restrictions persist. We foresee a need for a kind of “Joseph storehouse” (see Gen. 41:46-49) where material needs can be provided to those in need. Others may need shopping support. We ask you to prayerfully consider how you may serve. We will need donations, delivery drivers, and shoppers. If you can help in any of these ways, please contact Pastor Gary.
  • Give
    • We recognize we all have to be good stewards of the resources the Lord has given to us, especially in a financially constrained economy. If you are able to give to the ministry, our staff and ministry leaders are going to continue to do ministry as effective and as lean as possible while advancing the good news of Jesus Christ. If you can eTransfer your tithe, that will be the easiest for social distancing practices. If you want to mail or drop of a cheque at the church, our office will be open Tues-Fri 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Please call ahead before coming (519-666-3049).

God is at work in this hard season, and we anticipate the Lord to continue to do far more than we could ask or think to exalt his Name and his Word (Ps. 138:2). We want to pray for God’s glory, gospel success, and a needy world.

We are here to serve you and trust that our focused ministry will strengthen and encourage you during this season!

With much love,

~Pastor Andrew