In Andrew’s introduction to our new sermon series “The Story of Everything” we looked at the interaction between Jesus and two disciples as they walked the road to Emmaus (Luke 24). They were eyewitnesses to the most important event in history, but were confused and distressed; left unable to piece the story together. When Jesus joins them he opens to them the whole bible story, explaining that all the Scriptures are about him: “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”

Luke also opens our eyes to this key truth:

Knowing God’s salvation plan is rooted in knowing the whole bible story.

Understandably, we typically turn to “part 2” of the bible – the New Testament when we want to learn or teach the good news of God’s salvation. However, Jesus asserts, and we will find as we work through the Scriptures, that the whole bible story is about a singular person, a singular plan, and a singular goal. Jesus is that one person, redemption is his plan, and the glory of God his goal. The bible is a big book, but with a very accessible storyline! Below are a few ways we see Christ in the Old Testament.

When we read Scripture, we need to look to see how the text relates or points forward to Christ. In the book “The Ancient Love Song,” Charles Drew (P&R Publishing) notes some of the ways Scripture points us to Christ.

The Law: Paul speaks of it as a school master, teaching us that our hearts are apposed to God; we are unable to keep the law, and in dire need of a Saviour.

The prophetic promises seen throughout the Old Testament, found in books such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, point us toward such a rescuer. He is the perfect Adam, the obedient Israel, the Suffering Servant, and anointed King. This foretelling creates a heart-depth longing for the only kind of rescuer that can truly rescue – a messiah!

Dwelling is another key theme through scripture. God frequently promised to dwell with His people (Leviticus 26:11-12; Ezekiel 37:26-28; John 1:14; Rev 21:3) and this promise is perfectly fulfilled through God the Son, the Word made flesh, who is Immanuel (God with us).

The psalmists and prophets sometimes spoke with the ‘voice’ of Christ, anticipating His suffering (the Cross) and exaltation (the Resurrection).

Particular Old Testament offices (prophet, priest and king) foreshadow Christ’s redemptive work of the cross. Jesus is the prophet greater than Moses, a priest greater than Aaron, and a king greater than David.

Finally, even the Old Testament rituals that can look so foreign to us, such as the Passover (Exodus 12) and the various ceremonial/sacrificial practices established in Leviticus, foreshadow God’s redemption of His people through the Cross.

These are just a few of the numerous ways we make “Christ Connections” throughout all of the bible. I trust you will grow: in knowing the story of the bible, seeing the glory of Christ throughout the bible, and delight in the Lord, as we continue “The Story of Everything”.

Much love,

Pastor Gary

Prepare your heart for Sunday by reading the passage and listening to the songs we’ll sing.