This summer, if you find yourself without a lot of time to sit down and read a book, we aren’t leaving you behind on our recommendations! There are plenty of fantastic audio and video resources available to Christians who want to grow in their faith but can’t find the time to read. Here are two I would recommend—

First, if you’ve never experienced an audiobook, I would highly recommend giving it a try. I regularly find myself surprised by how often I can find time to listen to something even when I don’t have the time to sit down and read. Whether driving your car, cleaning dishes, or folding laundry, these times often represent wonderful opportunities to get some “reading” done with the help of an audiobook. If you haven’t read them before, why not give C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia a try together with your family? If you have any long road trips planned for the end of the summer (or if you’re looking for an alternative to movie night that will last much longer than one night), a series of exciting audiobooks from a renowned Christian author might just be the perfect fit. Right now, you can get the entire series for free with a trial subscription to Audible (just make sure you cancel the subscription if you don’t want to keep paying!), and there is also a free version of the entire series available online split into 30 minutes sections.

Second, if you’ve ever found yourself reading your Bible and wishing you had a little more information about what you’re reading, look no further than The Bible Project. They can be found at and also on YouTube. They create videos on a variety of topics (including word studies and videos about biblical themes), but some of the most helpful provide overviews of every book in the Bible. No matter what part of Scripture you’re reading, you can find short, well-produced videos explaining more about the author, audience, themes, big ideas, and cultural context of what you’re reading. It’s kind of like having a study Bible, except in video format (and free!). The content over at The Bible Project won’t only make you a more informed reader of Scripture, but it can greatly benefit your children as well. As they read their own Bibles—and as you read the Bible together as a family—you can use these videos as a tool to teach your children more about the Bible and give them a better sense of what they’re reading and how it fits into the broader story of Scripture. The content may be a little complex for younger children, but it would undoubtedly be helpful for older children and young adults, especially if they’re visual learners. 

If you have any questions about the resources I’ve recommended, or if you’re interested in more, please don’t hesitate to reach out and get in touch; as always, there are plenty more where these came from!

All the best,


Prepare your heart for Sunday by reading the passage and listening to the songs we’ll sing.