The Stephen Ministry is a program of our congregation that equips lay persons to provide distinctively Christian one-to-one care to those who are experiencing all kinds of life needs and circumstances, both in our congregation and community.
Once training is completed, a Stephen Minister may be paired with someone in the congregation or community who needs a caring friend to walk alongside of them in a supportive and prayerful way during a difficult personal time. Stephen Ministers are not trained as counsellors but rather to identify when a person might need professional help, and how to help someone access that help.
Because of the confidentiality aspect of this ministry, much of what our Stephen Ministers do is done without others being aware of their caring support. These godly men and women have committed a substantial portion of their time to supporting and caring for others.
- Is life more than you can handle alone right now?
- Are you suffering physically, or experiencing relationship difficulties?
- Are you adjusting to a new job, change in
marital status, the death of
a loved one, or a recent move? - Would you like to have someone in your life that
really cares?
Everyone goes through difficult times. Having someone to care, to listen, and to share God’s love can help you get through the confusion, stress, or loneliness that you may be experiencing.
What is a Stephen Minister?
A Stephen Minister is:
- One who expresses God’s care through their lives to others
- a caring, Christian friend who takes the time to really listen
- a lay person who has received 50 hours of initial training in how to provide distinctively Christian care
- a constant prayer support
A Stephen Minister is NOT:
- a counsellor or therapist
- a problem-solver
- a casual visitor
How Can You Become Involved?
Please pray for us:
- Pray for the leadership team – that we will lead with wisdom, discernment and love; pointing the Stephen Ministers to dependency on the Lord as they minister.
- Pray for the NEW Stephen Ministers who have completed their training.
- Pray for our Stephen Ministers as they make their regular visits.
- Let us (the leaders) know if you or someone you know needs the care and support of a Stephen Minister.
We, the Stephen Leaders, are always looking for men and women with the gifts of mercy, compassion and encouragement who would be interested in training to become Stephen Ministers. Please prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister.
For more information, contact us here.
Sunday Service times: 10:00 am
Livestream of Sunday starts at 9:45am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
9:00am – 4:30pm
Please phone ahead to ensure
someone is in: 519-666-3049
100 Meadowcreek Dr
Ilderton, N0M 2A0