I have never personally met Queen Elizabeth II, but I understand there are several protocols to be observed. Greet her with a bow or curtsey. Address her as “Your Majesty” first, and subsequently “Ma’am” (with short ‘a’ like ham), then a closing “Your Majesty”. Do not speak until spoken to, do not sit or eat until she does, and do not touch. When leaving, do not turn your back to her. Even the most accomplished of visitors have stumbled badly in trying to follow form, including many U.S. presidents.  

Leviticus 16 opens with a sobering reminder of the consequences when approaching God inappropriately; it cost the sons of Aaron their lives. Afterward, the Lord spoke instructions to Moses letting him know that Aaron did not have the freedom to come and go from the Most Holy Place as he chose; but just once a year, if properly prepared, lest he also die. God gave clear directions: he must bathe and put on an undergarment and coat of linen. In contrast to the elaborate public dress of the high priest (see Ex 28) as mediator between God and man, before the Lord his modest dress befits a servant coming to his King. Aaron would also make a sacrifice for himself, and on behalf of the rest of the priesthood, before he would perform his priestly duties for the people.

Something to Understand:

It is clear in Leviticus, and throughout scripture, that God demands we approach him appropriately. Yes, he is “for us”, but do not mistake his gracious, generous magnanimity for license to have a casual ‘whatever feels right for me’ relationship. Jesus helps us strike a great balance in the Lord’s Prayer by acknowledging both familial relationship yet transcendent glory when he says, “Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name (Mt 6:9).”