Family Ministry
- Keep the GOSPEL central in all our teaching, ensuring that all curricula used is biblically sound and God-centered.
- Ensure that all Children’s Ministry teachers and small group leaders are committed, growing Christ-followers who model and teach a God-centered lifestyle.
- Place children into small groups that encourage them to live in COMMUNITY with others who are learning about a God-centred life.
- Encourage children to develp regular habits of Bible study, prayer and scripture memorization.
- Provide opportunities for children to engage in MISSION work by sharing God’s love with others both locally and globally.
Hear O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the
LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
And these words which I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall
teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in
your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when
you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as
frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your
house and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
What you can expect at Family Ministry Night:
Wednesdays from 6pm-7:30pm during the school year beginning on September 25th. (Please check our homepage for weather closures)
At Community Bible Church. Please enter the building using our north entrance (by the shed)!
- 6:00-6:30 Open Gym Time (Gym)
- 6:30-6:45- Big Group (Room D, Adjacent to the Kid’s Ministry Wing near the north entrance)
- 6:45-7:30- Bible Class (Various Classrooms in Kid’s Ministry Wing)
- 6:00-6:30 Open Gym Time (Gym) 6:45-7:30 Prayer Meetings
- (Men will meet in the Library by the Foyer and Women will meet in the Nursery in the Kids Ministry Wing)
- Open Gym: FMN begins with everyone gathering in the gym for optional fun, active games for families and friends to connect with one another.
- Big Group: Kids 3+ come together for a time of Bible memory and songs.
- Bible Class: Kids 3+ will break off into smaller groups to learn more about the Bible and to enjoy age appropriate activities related to what they are learning.
- Prayer Meeting (Adults): Men and women will meet separately for a time of intentional prayer for the children in our church and community. The two prayer rooms will be the Nursery in the Kid’s Ministry Wing and the Library by the Foyer. We will not have childcare for ages 0-2 so men and women will rotate weekly praying in the Nursery while looking after their littlest ones. People from various life stages and ages are welcome to join these prayer meetings.
The heart of Family Ministry Night is to come alongside families in the beautiful and challenging task of raising up their children. We want children to receive solid Biblical teaching from gifted volunteers who reinforce the unchanging truths that parents are teaching their children at home. We also want families to have the opportunity to make meaningful connections together and with others in the community because we were never meant to walk this journey alone.
*Open gym time is considered unsupervised. Children are considered under their parents care during open gym time but are supervised by our team of volunteers during Big Group and Bible Class time.
*Family Ministry Night is run by the Children’s Ministry Leadership Team. If you have any questions, please reach out to Luke Burrow. Please visit our Youth page, for more information about our Youth Ministry or contact the church office.
Sunday Service times: 10:00 am
Livestream of Sunday starts at 9:45am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
9:00am – 4:30pm
Please phone ahead to ensure
someone is in: 519-666-3049
100 Meadowcreek Dr
Ilderton, N0M 2A0