What’s Love Got to Do With It? (Spoiler – A Lot!)

What’s Love Got to Do With It? (Spoiler – A Lot!)What, Where, Who, When, Why 1st Corinthians 13:1 reads, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” Too often, I feel like I’m behaving...

Contemplating Anger ~ Mark Archibald

As Christians, we often struggle with anger just as much as anybody else. While we thankfully don’t always express our anger in the same ways as the world around us, I can certainly say for myself that anger is certainly still present in my heart. We often try to...

The Odd Necessity of Prayer

Have you ever considered how weird it is to pray to God? I’m not referring to prayers where we’re praising God or thanking him; nor do I mean prayers where we’re seeking God’s forgiveness. Those types of prayer make sense. What’s weird is when we pray for things that...

United as the Body of Christ ~ Ross Hunter

Encouraged to be in regular attendance while traveling in Australia, my wife and I settled into a relatively small church in suburban Melbourne. Within hours of our first visit, we had lunch plans, tour guides, and rides all over the countryside. These people...

The Faithless Root of Sin ~ Andrew MacLeod

When I became a Christian, I was so profoundly changed that I was convinced I’d never sin again. Imagine my utter heart-break when I found myself sinning the next day! The good news, of course, was that by his cross, Jesus had paid the penalty for my sins; but how...