Wine, Woman, and Signs ~ Andrew MacLeod

Of all the miracles that Jesus did, turning water into wine at the wedding-feast in Cana (John 2:1-11) is the odd miracle out. Why? Jesus healed the sick, drove out demons, fed thousands in one shot…twice! He calmed life-imperilling storms, and raised the dead!...

Looking For Lost Sheep by Starlight ~ Andrew MacLeod

The Christmas story is very strange, mainly because it’s about God becoming human by means of a virgin conception; but in terms of characters, the strangest are the wise men, the Magi. Why strange? They’re not Jews; they aren’t Jewish converts; they’re pagans! “Well,...

The Defeat of Darkness ~ Luke Burrow

            The birth of Jesus was the culmination of thousands of years of God’s covenant promises to his people. From the very beginning, God promised a Saviour who would arise to crush the head of the serpent...

Waiting for Judgement ~ Luke Burrow

            The season of Advent is a season of waiting. In the days before Jesus’ birth, God’s people were waiting for the arrival of the long-prophesied Messiah who would save his people from sin and usher in a...