The Art of Living Skillfully ~ Andrew Hall

Think about someone you know that you consider to be incredibly wise. What is it about them that makes them stand out to you? I have known some incredibly wise people in life. Their ability to cut through the noise and confusion of life and see things clearly and...

Spiritual Friendship ~ Andrew Hall

I look forward to Tuesday mornings.  With coffee in hand, I enjoy connecting on Zoom with my friend from seminary.  Now pastoring in Wisconsin, Dennis and I connect weekly for encouragement and prayer.  Just over two years ago, Dennis invited me to...

Family Summer Reads ~ Luke Burrow

Every summer, we like to take the time to recommend a few books—some we’ve already enjoyed, some we’re currently enjoying, and some we look forward to enjoying in the future. Last week, Pastor Andrew gave his recommendations of books that would be well-suited as...

Summer Reads ~ Andrew Hall

As summer approaches, I like to pull out a few books and plan my summer reading. While I usually share my reading list in June, I thought it might be helpful for those who are already planning to see what they could dig into. Here are a few books I’m looking forward...

Walking By the Spirit ~ Luke Burrow

Have you ever thought about what the apostle Paul meant when he wrote “walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:17)? For many, these words conjure up a slightly hazy, unclear sense of walking in obedience—abstaining from sin...

Jesus Is Gentle and Lowly ~ Andrew Hall

John Piper once wrote, “Books don’t change people, paragraphs do—sometimes sentences.” But every now and then, a book comes along that has such a dramatic impact that you don’t want to stop reading it. Dane Ortlund has written one such book. Gentle and...