Changed by Beauty ~ Andrew Hall

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. 2 Corinthians 3:18 I remember the first time I had a real grilled cheese sandwich. The cheddar was oozing out the sides, the...

Our Beautiful Saviour ~ Luke Burrow

            Over the past few weeks, we’ve argued that all the beauty we see in this world is a reflection of the beauty of the One who created it. Our great God is the source of all beauty, and all beautiful...

The Desecration of Beauty ~ Andrew Hall

In C.S. Lewis’s book The Screwtape Letters, a senior demon is writing to his junior to educate him in the methodologies of temptation. In a particularly poignant passage, the senior demon Screwtape writes about how beauty and pleasure works: “Never forget that when we...

Longing for Beauty ~ Luke Burrow

            Over the past few weeks we’ve been thinking about beauty, and we’ve argued two very important things—that all beauty finds its source in the God who created all things and that all human beings made in...

The Beautiful Reflection ~ Andrew Hall

When each of my children was born, the first time I held them was an unforgettable moment of sheer bliss. The joy to see their crinkled noses, their eyes opening, the sound of that newborn cry. The wonder of holding this little baby amazed me. I couldn’t get over how...