Sometimes I wonder if I had no past and no future, would I act differently today. That is to say, how are my daily actions limited by past failures and future worries? We know as Christians we are not to be limited by our past for if we are in Christ we are a “new creation (2 Cor 5:17)”, and we ought not fret for our future for just as the Lord cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field he cares for us (cf Matt 6:25-34). Thus, he expects (and enables) us to seek daily the kingdom of God unhindered by past mistakes and future concerns. We then walk in the newness of life promised to us able to glorify God in all we do, whether in word or deed.

If you are like me, this is easier said than done. Think of the energy we expend in fashioning our lives in order to manage how we are perceived, what we may accomplish, and who we may impress. It can be an exhausting task. Not that we are to live lives void of ambitions, activity, and accomplishment. Paul spoke of the Lord granting us “good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Eph 2:10b)”. Can we trust that He really has prepared us for our day’s work regardless of our past failures and shortcomings? Can we trust that he will make a way for us in the future, such that we are freed to serve him and others today with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength? Do we believe the Lord when he calls us new creatures in Christ? Do we believe the Lord when he says he is the rewarder of those who seek him? When you think of it, why would we chase the rewards of man when the rewards of the Lord are on offer? And why would we labour under past sin and failure for which the Lord forgives?

Last Sunday from Galatians 1:10 we learned of the freedom we have from people pleasing. This Sunday we will continue our Galatians series (1:11 – 2:14 is the text) and find we are also freed from our past. Taken together this is such a position of power for the Christian. No reputation to maintain or establish, no future favour of man to earn, no past failure to hold one back. Believing this, what risk for the Lord might you take today? How would it impact your priorities?

We hope to see you Sunday!


Much love,

Pastor Gary