It’s the time of year where people talk about New Year’s resolutions. For some, they tell themselves that this will be the year they make their goals happen. For others, they don’t even bother thinking about a goal. We’ve heard the studies – the majority of people who make a resolution give up within the first two weeks of January.

But increasingly, studies point to the power of habit. The process of automation isn’t something to be done in technology but also our lives. If you have a start date, a frequency, a time trigger, and a streak that you’re aiming for, you’re more likely to develop a routine that will stick.

Just consider Bible reading. Lifeway research says that the number one reason people grow spiritually is that they have developed patterns of being in the Word regularly. Those who dig in to their Bibles are more likely to attend church regularly, share their faith, pray for others, and contribute to those around them in service.

The reason that regular Bible reading translates into other areas has a practical reason and a spiritual reason. The practical reason is that those who have developed a plan to be in the Word also plan to attend church, share their faith, and give of their time, talents, and resources. The spiritual reason is simple – God’s Word is powerful and effective to change a life.

If Bible reading is one of the main ways to change, then why not make a plan this year to dig in to God’s Word more? We have many reading plans available on our website. Or download YouVersion – one of the most popular apps available for Bible reading.

Once you’ve got a plan, pick a time. Make it reasonable – 5 to 10 minutes every day at the start of your day isn’t hard. Or listen to God’s Word on audio as you commute to work.

From there, set a streak that you’re aiming for – Monday through Friday is a great place to start. Plan that you’ll keep going all the way through the first 6 weeks of the year. Don’t overdo it. But make a plan, choose a time, and set a goal. And don’t give up.

You might just find that hiding God’s word in your heart will do more than you could have asked for or imagined!

So devote yourself to the Word!
